This year’s theme for reflection ahead of World Refugee Day on June 20th, is “Fitted Together”.
The early church was fitted together by a unity in the Spirit, while representing a gathering that was wholly counter-cultural, as all shared from the same table. As followers of Jesus, we experience the fullness of God’s blessing being in community with those from all languages, cultures, and social locations. Our understanding of God’s grace and mercy is deepened. Our capacity for love is extended. We expand our learning. Jesus went out of His way to meet a Samaritan woman. He healed a Roman centurion's son. And He spent three years with a friend who would betray Him. The heart of God is revealed in these encounters. Our lives are enriched by the people we develop relationship with who bring the gift of different perspectives and experiences. Choosing co-belonging is a framework of thinking that can lead to healthy frameworks for action.