You can assist community development around the world. The Global Church is blessing others and demonstrating the good news of Jesus in an integrated way, and your church can participate with them.
EMCC World Partners, in collaboration with Tearfund Canada, is partnering with the Ethiopia Kale Heywet Church Development, to benefit over 3880 households in the Zala District.
2023 - 2026, $210,000 per year
3880 farm families in the Zala District of South-West Ethiopia, with particular consideration given to female-headed households and seeking over 50% of participants enrolled in self-help savings groups.
This project is a second-phase of EKHCDC's investment in the Zala district. This project continues to combine the hope offered through resilient agriculture, with the 3:1 leverage of Global Affairs grants as a qualifying Canadian Foodgrains Bank initiative. Through it, we will assist our Global Partner, the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church Development Commission, in sharing the blessing across their communities in the love of Jesus.
Empowering women through a self-help group approach (organizing in self help groups (SHGs) and cluster level associations (CLAs) and gender awareness sessions will be a key aspect of this project, as EKHCDC seeks to assist them in the responsibility they carry for most farming and other household activities.
By implementing alongside Church and Community Transformation training, we are strengthening the church's Biblical foundation for addressing community needs, as part of how they are living out the good news of Jesus. It integrates disciple-making and development as aspects of a genuine faith.
See the impact of phase one programming in Zala below.