Are you sensing a nudge to cross cultures?

    Global Work, Professional or Bi-Vocational

    World Partners celebrates the multicultural expression of the global church, and we join God's work in each culture humbly and mutually, and take joy in walking the road together.

    • Global Church Partners can guide you to agreed-upon ways to help advance Jesus' mission.
    • Other Mission-Sending Agencies may be a good fit for you. Some World Partners Global Workers are EMCC people who serve with other Mission organizations, through our Missionary Recognition process.
    • You may have a desire to use your career internationally, and participate in Jesus' mission. World Partners assists with Cultural Intelligence training and access to networks for support.

    If you are sensing a nudge to work cross-culturally or internationally, we'd love to assist you on your journey.

    Contact World Partners

    Please fill in some details, and someone from our World Partners team will respond as soon as we're able. [No soliciting please]