How To Partner

Starting a Relationship off right.

You want partnerships that help advance Jesus' mission, and make a difference in the world. We can help.

For EMCC Churches

Which partnership is right for us? Explore Our Directory of Global Workers and Partners.

Our Partnership FrameworkPartnerships

We engage in Jesus mission around the world through partnerships. Walking together in mutual and reciprocal relationship honours how God calls us to belong in global community.

EMCC has a Global Family of Churches, committed to Jesus' instruction to help people follow him, known as "World Partners International".

  • We work by invitation
  • We work by agreement.
  • We are dedicated to partnerships that develop our capacity to develop ministries which include both word and deed, as part of Integral Mission (evangelism + social responsibility).
  • Our first response is to connect people and ministries who share our values, to WPI Members.
If you want to explore connection to our network, please contact us.


Email Us

Please fill in some details, and someone from our World Partners team will respond as soon as we're able. [No soliciting please]