Workers Under EMCC World Partners Care

Our Global Team

Although there are many Global Workers with various mission agencies, did you know that EMCC World Partners has our own team too?

Wherever we work, we do so with a high commitment to build capacity in our Global Partners (Indigenous church leaders) for healthy disciple-making and integral mission (evangelism + social responsibility), and serve mutually.

Chapple, Dan & Anne-Marie - Pastoral Training, Mexico

Serving Since: 2004


Dan & Anne-Marie provide oversight for and leadership to the pastoral training of pastors for our Mexican partner denominations, help prepare and care for new and returning missionaries with MissionPREP, and advance relationships with partner denominations across Latin America.


Dan and Anne-Marie train and equip pastors and leaders in Mexico. The nature of their ministry has expanded beyond Mexico to include partner denominations across Latin America, and the equipping, mentoring, and care of missionaries through a training program called MissionPREP

The nature of their ministry allows them to live in Ontario while serving across Latin America via the internet and frequent ministry trips.  Being in Canada has precipiated a new stage of leadership development for ministry leaders in Mexico.  Through a new endeavour called the Semillas Facilitators Team, Dan is developing a small group of leaders who oversee SEAN classes in their respective geographical areas.  By focusing more fully on these key leaders, Dan can disciple them more intentionally as they assume primary oversight of the pastors and classes under their care. 

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