Our National Team

Brian Archer

Regional Minister

Brian is a Regional Minister with the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada serving in the Western Canadian Region.  Brian values his role as a coach and catalyzer of God's Mission for EMCC Churches across Canada, stemming from over 30 years of pastoral and denominational service.  He works with pastors, church leadership and congregations to help them focus on their mission and engage in new church starts that form out of new groups for new people.  Brian's prayer and hope is to see followers of Jesus multiplied and working together to transform communities and neighbourhoods across Canada and around the world.  He lives in Didsbury, Alberta with his wife, Diana.  Brian enjoys reading, fixing computers and electronic gadgets, golfing and hiking.

Contact Brian

Please fill out the form and I'll be in touch!

Lead Regional Minister Brian Archer

Tel: 403-250-2759
Toll Free: 1-877-375-7600 ext. 244
Fax: 403-291-4720