Our National Team

Jim Hazzard

Board Member

Jim's strong commitment to faith, family, career, and community has led to significant involvement with increasing responsibilities in these four areas of life. Jim brings experience working in difficult situations to realize positive outcomes and direction.

Jim has been a committed follower of Jesus since 1975. Although a work in progress, he seeks to be led, empowered, and taught by the indwelling Holy Spirit day by day, moment by moment in all areas of life. Jim and Anne have been married for 42 years. They have three beautiful married children; Benjamin (Erica), Nathan (Monique), and Emily (Ryan), and enjoy seven precious grandchildren.

For 45 years, Jim's career has been in the agriculture sector. He began in a business his father started after he came back from the Navy following WWII. He has held positions from labourer, Branch Manager, General Manager/CEO, Operations Manager, President, Vice President, Board member and Director. His career has evolved from a small business with family shareholders to Joint Venture corporation, South West Ag Partners Inc., with a major multinational company.

Jim's community involvement includes being a member of St. Clair Community Church (EMCC), past church board member and board chairperson, palliative care volunteer with VON, past member of local public school board Accommodation Review Committee, past member and chair of local public high school Parent Council, past board member of various Para-church organizations including Family Seminars of Canada Inc., Back to the Bible Canada, and BGEA John Wesley White Crusade (Dresden 1996). In partnership with Lambton College Sarnia, present chair of Agriculture subcommittee of One Seed Project in Zambia enabling small household farmers to increase corn yields.

"I seek to love God with my his heart, to love myself, and those around me," Jim says. He seeks to do this by helping himself and others realize that we are precious in God's sight, that He wants to restore His relationship with us, and produce the fruit of the Spirit through us. Jim believes that the Holy Spirit is the catalyst in His endeavour and His Church will be the result despite any and all opposing forces.

Jim Hazzard Board Member

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