GA 2025

And Multiply

What began as a command in the garden continues as a great commission to the church: multiply disciples, multiply leaders and multiply churches (communities of followers of Jesus on mission). The call to bear fruit is accompanied with the charge to multiply. At Assembly 2025 in Calgary Alberta, we will explore the necessary multiplication mindset shifts that will need to take place for us to see a multiplied harvest. "Still other seed fell on good soil where it produced a crop - a hundred, sixty, thirty times what was sown" (Matthew 13:8). We are not going to get multiplication and movements without radically changing our mindsets. While the world is focused on division, the EMCC chooses to prioritize multiplication.

Come explore what it means to have a multiplication mindset as we gather together in Calgary, May 1-3, 2025! Stay tuned for more detailed information on session topics, speakers, and times. We encourage you to review the agenda ahead of time to plan your schedule and make the most of your conference experience.