In its 44th year, Pitch 'n Praise, held in Paris on the long weekend in May, drew 1500 hundred young people and their leaders from across Ontario. While about a dozen denominations are represented at this event, EMCC youth still comprise more than half of the crowd. The ministry lineup included 12 featured guests and artists as well as numerous workshop leaders. Testimonies from the speakers opened many deep conversations about faith in Jesus between students and leaders. Mark Anderson, Director of Pitch & Praise, reported that several students committed their lives to Jesus as they came to understand that God is big enough to accommodate our doubts and our brokenness. Participants raised $4,500 in an offering for food aid for Ethiopia.
A week later, about 60 EMCC students and leaders gathered for the launch of The Weekend, an annual EMCC youth event at Rivers Edge Camp in Alberta. Alison Lefebvre reports that The Weekend had a great vibe to it. The Rivers Edge staff did an excellent job with games and events, Grover Bradford, youth pastor at CSC Airdrie Campus spoke in the general sessions, and Mark Anderson, Director of Youth Ministries for EMCC led workshops for youth leaders. Seeing leaders free to simply enjoy spending time with students without worrying about program arrangements was a highlight for Alison. When The Weekend was over, students didn’t want to leave. Alison looks forward to seeing more churches participate in The Weekend next year (May 25-27).
Pitch & Praise Highlights Video