In our fast-changing world and growing uncertainties, clashing cultures and eroded values, the call is fresh, inviting and powerful to go and make disciples of all nations (ethne). Each day (and night) as you encounter your neighbour across the hallway or the colleague on Zoom, the Spirit of God might prompt you to speak. What would you say? How do you learn? When should you connect? When should you speak?
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me” (Matt. 11:29). How do we invite others into this exciting journey with Jesus and provide sufficient challenge where we can grow and flourish together? Ivan recently shared how he has been able to use the Kairos circle in his workplace, where he is a supervisor in a manufacturing plant, to help his colleagues and team in better decision making. Ivan was prone to be reactive before but now the change in his life and composure has caused others to listen to him and respect his leadership. While Ivan sees me as his coach and pastor, I am inspired by Ivan to be a better follower of Jesus. “The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak[1] a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens me morning by morning. He awakens my ear to hear as the learned” (Is. 50:4 NKJV). A learned person is one who has acquired profound knowledge and experience[2]. Whenever I wake up earlier than planned, I have learned to stay still, knowing that maybe God has a special word for me.
As part of the WP team, I had the opportunity to worship with St. Clair EM church in Scarborough, ON in October 2014. After the service, many from the congregation went out into the neighbourhood for a prayer walk. It was a great opportunity to observe the thoughtful connections that the church had with their neighbours. When we are invited into people’s lives and homes it opens the door for deeper connections. Sometimes our attempts to connect may lack thought and wisdom. Other times, it may have been beneficial and encouraging.
Share with us where your connections are being made as well as where you face challenges and obstacles.
Two questions we have learnt to ask are “God, what are you saying to me (us) and what do you want me (us) to do about it”. Across Canada, God is speaking to the young and old alike to go and make disciples. Some are meeting over a cup of coffee – listening together, trusting Jesus and responding to needs of friends and colleagues locally. Others are relocating out of town for jobs and other opportunities and taking the gospel wherever they go. Some of us are feeling prompted to dedicate our career and future for the sake of the gospel. A recent challenge at Lausanne Congress calls for an urgency to mobilize the 99% of the church (workplace ministry) so that the whole world may hear about Jesus at least once in their lifetime.
At the end of 2024, I had the opportunity to reflect on some ways my life (as a disciple) with Jesus has grown. My prayer for us is that we may not only know what to speak but also how to speak well. How about you? what were your goals/activities and desired outcomes? What's one strength you've been able to build upon? What's one ability you've identified as requiring growth or management?
“Gather the people together, men and women and the little ones, and the stranger who is within your gates, that they may hear and that they may learn to fear the Lord your God and carefully observe all the words of this law” (Deut. 31:12 NKJV). These days it is difficult to gather together as people have their own schedules and preferences. A friend of mine was lamenting the challenge of getting his grown-up children to come to church with him. We are called to gather our family together at home, with our church family on the Lord’s Day and also to gather people to hear God in public. What we speak and how well we speak in these different spaces requires the wisdom of God.
We would love to know more about your journey in mission engagement. Please share your thoughts in the attached questionnaire. Some of you have forwarded this questionnaire to your mission’s team or coordinator for their self-reflection. Click here to download the survey.
Praise and Victory to Jesus! Jae Masih
David Benjamin
EMCC WP Church Engagement Facilitator
[1] Some translations “what to speak”
[2] Cambridge Dictionary: