People with their belongings loaded walk over the rubble on a street destroyed by Hurricane Matthew in Baracoa, Cuba, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
Hurricane Matthew tore through the south west region of Haiti and continued on to Cuba on October 4th, causing extensive damage in its wake. Pastor Adonis, of the AEM (our sister denomination in Haiti) says that they are trying to contact their pastors in Jacmel, Led Caesar and Benoit but have been unable to reach them. The communication infrastructure is badly damaged, bridges are out and roads blocked.
Rodolfo Rodiriguez, President of the Evangelical Missionary Church in Cuba reports that Baracoa City is like a war zone with many houses heavily damaged or destroyed. Many families have moved into the churches because their homes have been destroyed. There has been no communication with the eastern municipality of Maisi since roads are blocked and phones are not working. They fear the worst as this is a poor region and it was subjected to more than 8 hours of continuous winds of 200 km/hour.
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Haiti and Cuba who are desperately in need of help. We are receiving financial donations toward the relief effort in the wake of Hurricane Matthew
UPDATE - 10 Oct 2016
Reports we have heard from AEM leaders in Haiti indicate that the AEM Church building in Benoit is gone. Houses are gone and gardens are gone. People need tents, bedding and food. They have newly drilled wells, so if the water has not been contaminated by surface water, hopefully they will be safe from Cholera. The AEM church building in Cayes lost its roof. Houses in the area took a beating as well. The capital city of Port au Prance depends on the south, where the storm hit hardest, for much of its fresh food and vegetables, so the people of that city will be hurting as well. Continue to pray for Haiti.