The EMCC Nominating Committee invites your assistance to fill up to three vacancies on the EMCC Board of Directors.
Part of the responsibility of the National Board is to provide nominees to serve as Directors on the National Board. The nomination slate will be available prior to Assembly in the Assembly Book and the delegates at General Assembly will vote to elect new directors.
As per our bylaws, a Nominating Committee is composed of two appointees from the National Board plus three non-board members. Krista Bennett and I are the appointees from the National Board, and we are joined by Murray Swalm, Denise Mazik, and Liz Froese, our three non-board members.
Our committee is asking for your assistance by providing your suggestions of nominee candidates. Please do not contact a person you suggest, but do provide us with their contact information, such as an email address and a telephone number. It would also help us to know their home church and what their role(s) past or present is, or has been. Nominee candidates may be EMCC laypersons or EMCC credentialed.
The list of nominees must be ready for our next National Board meeting and for inclusion in the Assembly Book. Please return your suggestions in care of Jean Winker at the EMCC Kitchener office, no later than Wednesday, February 15th, 2017.
Thanks for prayerfully considering this request and for your valued help. Our prayer is that our National Board will
continue to be made up of men and women who are committed to Jesus and who represent the geographical and ethnic diversity of our denomination.
In His Service,
Rev. Scott Clubine,
on behalf of the EMCC Nominating Committee
This link will take you to a document from our Bylaws that outlines the criteria and duties of Board members (
7.4.1 Director's Duties;
7.4.2 Composition and Qualifications). Board members must be willing to travel to two 3-day meetings each year and also be available for occasional conference call meetings.
Most importantly, those whose names you suggest must come with your full support. We are looking to you to recommend only people who are committed, growing followers of Jesus who understand and support the ethos of the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada.