Ministry Opportunities

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Ministry Opportunities

Job postings by local churches or agencies connected to EMCC.

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  • Plattsville Evangelical Missionary Church in Plattsville, Ontario is seeking a Part-time Co-Pastor.


    Plattsville Evangelical Missionary Church (PEMC) is located in Plattsville, Ontario. PEMC is part of the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (EMCC) denomination. We are a “small town” church with approximately 80 members with an average attendance of 120 congregants on a given Sunday morning service. Currently, PEMC staffs a part-time pastor, a youth intern, a  part-time children’s director, and a part-time office administrator. We have in-person services on Sunday mornings, several children and youth programs, and small groups during the week.  Through services and local outreach, we strive for individuals to know Christ and that they belong to a large Christian Family which is there to support and love one another. We seek to stay Christ-centred, biblically focused, and living like and for Jesus. 


    We are seeking a part-time co-pastor (approximately 20-30 hours per week), who would work in conjunction with our pastoral team. We are looking for a strong leader with an established educational background, who is dedicated, highly relational and passionate about living out the teachings of Christ. This Christian Pastor will be responsible for executive administration and have a shared role in preaching on Sunday mornings as well as pastoral care. Depending on the applicant's gifts and strengths, the roles of youth and preaching will be shared among the co-pastors. The ideal candidate will be well organized, detail-oriented, personable, flexible in leadership roles, and work well as a team member. We are searching for a co-pastor who has the desire to equip/teach leaders, foster discipleship, outreach to our community and serve our members.  


    (the extent to be determined once hired) 

    • Provide executive administration (i.e. staffing, policies, etc.). 
    • Ensure our Plan To Protect policy is up to date, and that all volunteers are trained and appropriately screened for their position. 
    • Provide pastoral care. 
    • Lead Sunday morning church services, celebrate the Sacraments, and deliver Biblically-based sermons. 
    • Disciple and teach new and existing members to grow in their faith and have a personal relationship with Christ. 
    • Be involved in church events and provide leadership and planning within our church’s programs and initiatives (i.e. outreach, small groups, bible studies, prayer meetings,  discipleship programs, youth programs, etc).
    • Provide support and mentorship to leaders within the church and guidance to elders,  deacons, staff, volunteers, and church committees. Foster a collaborative and inclusive environment and equip those in leadership positions. 
    • Officiate at weddings, funerals, baptisms, and other special ceremonies in accordance with EMCC church traditions and beliefs. 
    • Represent the congregation in local outreach opportunities and extend pastoral care where needed. 
    • Build relationships with community leaders, organizations and other churches to promote unity and work together on shared initiatives. 


    • A committed Christian with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 
    • A degree in theology, ministry or related field (Bible College or Seminary Degree preferred).  
    • Previous experience in pastoral ministry or related roles with proven experience leading teams, developing disciples and personal practice of mentoring others. 


    • The successful candidate will subscribe to and sign PEMC’s Statement of Faith and  Code of Conduct. 
    • This position requires a commitment to pursuing credentialing with the EMCC. 

    Salary will be determined by the EMCC pay scale which is based on experience level and education, and the determined amount of hours worked within a week. 

    To apply for this opportunity, send your resume and cover letter to: 

    We will continue to receive applications until the position is fulfilled. 

    We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.