Ministry Opportunities

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Ministry Opportunities

Job postings by local churches or agencies connected to EMCC.

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  • Castor Evangelical Missionary Fellowship in Castor, Alberta is seeking a Pastor.

    Castor EMF is looking for a Pastor to join our body of believers, in a rural community in eastern Alberta.  Our congregation consists of believers from diverse Christian backgrounds, yet we come together strong in our commonality of loving Jesus, thirsting after the Word and solid teaching, and desiring to have an impact in our community and world. 

    We are seeking someone who: 

    • is strong in Bible knowledge & preaching from the Word  
    • desires to equip the congregation to do the work of the Kingdom- to help people discover and grow their gifts
    • feels comfortable relating to all ages; a Pastor’s heart for people
    • holds prayer as important in their daily life 
    • desires to be involved in some way, in the local community
    • a team player, accountable to the board  

    We trust that God is preparing a person who will touch, challenge and lead us, and we are excited about what the future holds for us as a congregation.

    Our Church Purpose:

     To be the hands of Christ extended….

    • upward to a life-changing God
    • inward to our fellow believers
    • outward to our community & world

    Castor EMF Church Profile May 24/23

    The Castor EMF is a small-town church with a rural atmosphere. Many of our church members come from farming roots and many work or have worked at our local hospitals and schools. A large portion of our congregation is retired but we do have young families as well.

    We have a Sunday School program at 10:00 Sunday mornings. We also provide a service at our local Senior's lodge Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour where many of our retired members now reside.

    Youth have been joining other local churches for youth group Friday nights organized by a youth pastor in a neighbouring community. The children's church program runs on Sunday mornings. The children are dismissed from the sanctuary with a prayer after the congregational singing and then adjourn at the same time as the regular service. Many of the children and youth programs take a break during the summer.

    One of our strengths is our multiple worship teams that lead the Sunday singing with a variety of styles. We also have a hand chime choir and the community voice choir uses our facilities to practice and perform a Christmas and Easter cantata.

    Many of our members are involved in a local Bible study, along with a midweek morning prayer meeting. We work with neighbouring churches to provide a midweek service to our local Senior's lodge.

    Programming is starting to recover after the Covid hiatus and we hope soon we will have DVBS and a midweek kids program running again. Many community children attend these events and that is the focus of our church to be the hands of Christ extended outward to our community. We had a group of ladies form an "Encourager's" group throughout the pandemic and they have continued to cheer and bolster people's spirits.

    Our facilities are used weekly by a local TOPS chapter as well as AA. Our congregation supports several missionary families as well as local community charities, including ShareWord (The Gideon's), local food bank, and a pregnancy care center.

    For more information visit Castor EMC's website or email