Ministry Opportunities

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Ministry Opportunities

Job postings by local churches or agencies connected to EMCC.

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  • CrossRoads Church in Red Deer, AB is prayerfully and diligently seeking a Pastor of Worship Ministries.The Pastor of Worship Ministries at CrossRoads Church is a passionate, visionary leader who will lead atruly exceptional team of worship leaders, musicians, vocalists, visual artists, actors, and technicians who lead the congregation into worship and adoration of our Lord. The person will join with the whole team to advance the kingdom of God through the body of Christ at CrossRoads Church.

    The position is a permanent full-time role.

    Click here to view the complete position profile.

    Application Process:

    All interested applicantes should please provide a cover letter that responds to the following questions:

    1. Describe your faith in Jesus. Tell us how you came to know the Lord, and about your journey with Him and your current walk with Him.
    2. Describe two of the most defining experiences from your spiritual pilgrimage that have helpedyou as a person, disciple and servant of Jesus.
    3. Please provide us with a single page of your philosophy of Worship Ministry as it pertains to the role of Pastor of Worship Ministries.

    When completing your resume, please include the following information for each position you’ve held in the last 10 years:

    • Type of employment and/or volunteer experience
    • Size of organization
    • Your place in the organization
    • Specific accomplishments that you personally achieved

    Please also provide the following social media links:

    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • LinkedIn
    • Twitter

    Submit the cover letter, resume and any additional information to:

    Kendra Berniko, Director of Finance and Human Resources

    38105 Rge. Rd. 275 Red Deer County, AB T4S 2N4

    (403) 347-6425 ext 504