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EMCC Connected in prayer

Prayer Together

As a national church, with a global family, the EMCC regularly finds strength, guidance, help and encouragement together on our knees. We delight to call our people to "pray without ceasing", and to cultivate rhythms of prayer to form our posture of service, depending upon the Holy Spirit. Let us pray.

Prayer Summits

Several times throughout the year, we host Prayer Summits through our EMCC Connected platform. These are opportunities for us to gather together with members of our EMCC Family to pray for our leaders, our churches, and our world. 

Visit the EMCC Connected page to find upcoming Prayer Summits. 

Prayer Resources

Let's keep praying together, and inspiring one another. We have a whole library of trusted resources on our Enrich platform that have been recommended by our own EMCC leaders to help individuals, disciple-makers, and churches grow in prayer.

       Enriching Our Leaders - Spiritual Formation

       Enriching Our Churches - Prayer Ministries

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