Annual Reports


There are six reports to choose from as described below. Determine which report or reports you need to complete and select them from the column on the right.

2018 Active Assigned Pastor's Report

Complete this report if any of the following criteria apply to you:

  • You are credentialed with EMCC and serving within an EMCC church or ministry
  • You are credentialed with EMCC and serving in a non-EMCC church or ministry
  • You are not credentialed with EMCC but are serving in an EMCC church or ministry
  • You are in the process to be credentialed with EMCC and you are serving in an EMCC church or ministry

2018 Inactive, Unassigned, Active Lifetime Grant Pastor's Report

Complete this report if any of the following criteria apply to you:

  • Your EMCC credentials are Unassigned or Inactive
  • You hold the Active Lifetime Grant Credential

2018 Church Statistics Report

Complete this report if you are responsible for reporting on the activities of your church for the 2016 calendar year.
Only full member churches need to report.

2018 Church Finance Report

Complete this report if you are responsible for reporting on your church finances.
  • The reporting period is to be indicated in the report.
  • It is not necessary to provide the final audited figures.

2018 World Partners Missionary Report

Complete this report if you are an EMCC World Partners Missionary.

2018 Recognized Missionaries Report

Complete this report if you are a Recognized Missionary with EMCC.