Global Mission Workers and Partners

We resource, invest in and care for our workers, and support their sending where it is agreed-upon by Global Partners to help advance Jesus' mission. Partners

Friesen, Derryl & Karen Wycliffe Bible Translators
Derryl & Karen serve as field partner liaisons for the Southeast Asia focus region - supporting Bible translations and literacy development teams, providing member care for Canadians in SE Asia, and mobilizing new workers.
Hilson, Daniel & Christy Missionary Gospel Fellowship, USA
The Hilsons are engaged in ministry reaching and discipling Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists in Surrey, BC.
Kariuki, Alex & Rachel Abba's Home Ministries

Alex & Rachel are founders of Abba's Home Ministries, working in Madagascar with the aim of spreading the good news of Jesus and working with children.

Reaume, John & Wendy Power to Change
John serves as Vice Principal of Development at the Africa Centre for Theological Studies. Wendy is involved in discipleship with girls through a program she designed called Grace Girls.
Mayer, Oliver & Deborah OMF International
The Mayers are involved in church planting and discipleship among the Karen minority group in Northern Thailand
Morris, Pamela Wycliffe Bible Translators

Pamela has worked with many different language groups across West Africa, helping them develop writing systems, often for the first time, and providing training for national translators.

Neufeld, Greg & Shelli Evangelical Free Church of Canada Mission (EFCCM)
Greg & Shelli are active in children's ministry, presenting workshops on creative tools for engaging children and writing ministry material in Spanish.
Peacock, Wes & Katie Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wes & Katie also provide advice on Bible translation and language documentation issues for the Nkonya Bible, as well as prepare the Scriptures for publication.
Pridham, Cheryl SIM Canada
At the ECWA Widows' School, Cheryl is involved in adult education, and Biblical literacy.
Pridham, Donna SIM Canada
At the ECWA Widows' Training School, Donna teaches vocational classes such as sewing, knitting, cooking, and is involved in Biblical literacy.
Rodges, Dave & Deb Ethnos Canada
Dave & Deb serve at the Ethnos Canada centre.
Sherman, Jerry & Carol Embassy Connections Canada

Jerry & Carol are serving with Embassy Canada Connections, which is a ministry of evangelism and discipleship with Members of Parliament, Senators, foreign ambassadors and business executives.