Connect with Global Workers

Those listed on this page are working with partnering Mission Agencies.
Workers who are supervised by World Partners are listed here.
Interns and other approved Workers are listed here.

The EMCC recognizes Global Workers who are members of an EMCC church community, and who are approved for service cross-culturally and globally. "A recognized missionary (ministry worker) is a person who is serving with a recognized mission agency or organization and who is not supervised by EMCC".    (EMCC Articles of Governance, Missionary Recognition)

Name Country Organization
Azarms Canada OMC
Bible, Abe & Diane Ukraine / Russia CBLT - MEA
Brown, Raney Italy CW
Chaimiti, Lucy (Tafadzwa) Canada AH
Dettweiler, Steve & Sonia Nigeria  WBT
dos Santos, Susan Canada PTC
Fjeldstorm, Larry & Sharon Canada WBT
Friesen, Derryl & Karen Thailand WBT
Fuller, Sarah  USA LACW
Gamble, Eldon & Ruth  Canada Christar
Gibbins, Matthew & Rachel Canada EFC-GMR
Hilson, Daniel & Christy
(EMCC Ordained Minister)
Canada MGF
Howling, Mark (Liyien) Malaysia YWAM
Huff, Beverly USA/Carribean CEF
Humphreys, Shaun & Melanie Paraguay ETH
Hunter, Dale & Ruth USA OMS
Kariuki, Alex & Rachel Madagascar CEN
Mayer, Oliver & Deborah Thailand OMF
Mierau, Peter Canada CEF
Morris, Karen Spain WEC
Morris, Pamela  Burkina Faso WBT
Neufeld, Greg & Shelli Mexico EFCM
Oleniuk, Robbie & Heather Ghana SIM
Peacock, Wes & Katie Ghana WBT
Platz, Ben & Christa Canada SIM
Pridham, Cheryl Nigeria SIM
Pridham, Donna  Nigeria SIM
Reaume, John & Wendy Canada/Nigeria PTC
Ritchie, Peter & Areni Angola SIM
Rodges, David & Debra Papua New Guinea ETH
Royer, Kent & Brenda Canada WBT
Sawatzky, Rodd & Leslie Canada PTC
Schmitt, Marilyn Canada/Burkina Faso WBT
Serhal, Nadeem & Bernice
(EMCC Ordained Minister)
Canada PC
Sherman, Jerry & Carol Canada PTC
Sloss, David
(EMCC Licensed Minister)
Canada  BIM
Snyder, Dan & Janet Hungary GEM
Somer, Ruth Canada GRN
Stanley, Jono & Rachel South Sudan SIM
Taylor, Colleen Haiti OMS
Tiebe, Art & Betty Canada GOM
Van der Wal, Bill & Dianne Canada WBT
Volkman, Gordon & Lee Anne USA PTC
Weppler, Kevin & Michelle Romania GEM



Don't see someone you're looking for? We do not post or publish the names of Global Workers serving in sensitive assignments or with 'creative access'. This list is only available to EMCC congregations, upon approval, by requests made to the Executive Director of World Partners.