Ken and Carolyn Benson have been mission workers with World Partners since 1998, and are presently serving many groups in the "Mission-sending and care" community, through MissionPREP.
The Braggs remain actively involved in mentoring and walking together with First Nation leaders, supporting and encouraging them as they lead their communities and seek to follow Jesus.
Dan & Anne-Marie provide oversight for and leadership to the pastoral training of pastors for our Mexican partner denominations, help prepare and care for new and returning missionaries with MissionPREP, and advance relationships with partner denominations across Latin America.
Rob and Sharlene are travelling alongside Indigenous Peoples and building paths with communities and our Creator, Jesus Christ. They have served since 2012.
Phil and Carolyn support the training and mentoring of pastoral leaders, working in Mexico to establish people in God's Word. Their goal is to develop healthy disciples and leaders through 3 main areas of ministry:
1) Focused Discipleship - building capacity in leaders for effective discipleship, 2) Seminary Training - developing commitment and study of God's Word, and 3) Small Projects - resourcing local faith communities to thrive and be on mission.
Reid, DorothyTraining Leaders and Children's Workers, Romania
Dorothy is mentoring and discipling Romanian children's ministry workers, serving widows, and multiplying workers. She has been serving since 2003.
The Wiens train and mentor leaders throughout Africa in the Farming God’s Way tool as well as lead the Inundo Development Model Farm. They have served since 2009 with World Partners, and are now part of the global SIM network.
Tej gives leadership to this movement in Nepal. From 4 members in 1997, to hundreds of followers of Jesus in churches across the country, SARA models a movement built on prayer, inviting people to know and follow Jesus, and loving their neighbours.
Kinyanjui, CharlesPresident, New Fishers of Men Ministries (EMCC Partner Denomination)
Pastor Charles Kinyanjui began New Fishers of Men Ministries in Kenya in 2005, with a handful of people. Together, they live lives of blessing and inspire people to follow Jesus and love their neighbours.
Inundo is all about assisting and supporting the leaders from across the African continent in living and proclaiming Jesus' good news for the flourishing of land, people, and communities.
Chikopa, JamesPresident, Everlasting Life Ministries, Malawi
James Chikopa is married to Maggie and father to 5 kids. He is a disciple-maker, Pastor and the President of Everlasting Life Ministries, a "World Partners International" Member Church, who together desire to bring transformation to their country.