Workers Under EMCC World Partners Care

Our Global Team

Although there are many Global Workers with various mission agencies, did you know that EMCC World Partners has our own team too?

Wherever we work, we do so with a high commitment to build capacity in our Global Partners (Indigenous church leaders) for healthy disciple-making and integral mission (evangelism + social responsibility), and serve mutually.

Reid, Dorothy - Training Leaders and Children's Workers, Romania

Serving since 2003

Dorothy is mentoring and discipling Romanian children's ministry workers, helping the multiplication of workers in Romania, and serving widows.

Dorothy focuses her ministry to mentor and disciple Romanian children's ministry workers, as well as, to assist and equip Romanians in their vision to expand into new regions and reach children with the Good News of Christ under the leadership of Pastor Raul Costea and Hope Baptist Church. Recently she has become involved in ministry to widows through the local church where she is involved in ministry.

Video on Dorothy's Call to Children's Ministry

Video: Children Find the Light

Video: Bridging Ministry to Children and Widows

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