This workshop will be an interactive prayer experience, where prayer is at the very heart of Growing Young. We believe that prayer is central to a church’s journey of growing younger, and we invite church teams to come to this workshop together to pray for all generations. As we explore the six Growing Young commitments in prayer, we’ll ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us in each area. It’s a chance to slow down, seek God’s direction as a team, and pray earnestly for Him to “pour His Spirit upon our young people, and His blessing on our descendants” (Isaiah 44:3).
Resonance is the self-awareness and harmony achieved through improved conversations. It embodies the feeling that, when we disagree, we still feel heard and understood. When we resonate with someone, they feel seen, heard, and valued. In a world marked by division, we aspire to learn how to listen with the intent to understand and walk together in harmony and respect. These are vital skills for ministers in our world today. This workshop will introduce ongoing training that we aim to make available to our EMCC family.
Your church has a plan for fire emergencies. But do you have a plan for dealing with abuse allegations? In this workshop, Randal Rauser offers a practical introduction to recognizing, investigating, and preventing abuse. First, he will describe various types of abuse, such as harassment, sexual abuse, and spiritual abuse. Second, he will outline three common profiles of abusers: the narcissist, the psychopath, and the groomer. Third, he will give a brief overview of workplace investigations into abuse. He will then conclude by highlighting some key features of a safer church.
Jesus’ commission to His followers was to go and make disciples of all nations! During His earthly ministry, Jesus modelled what it meant to ‘make disciples’. He called people to Himself, journeyed with them and apprenticed them to Himself, His ways, His words and His works.
This workshop will examine some disciple-making habits that Jesus modelled and how we can practice them as we journey with others in their apprenticeship to Jesus.
In this interactive workshop, we’ll dig into the seasons of seeding, growing, and harvesting, exploring how these natural cycles mirror the life and rhythm of a church. With a spotlight on engaging young people, participants will dive into the six transformative commitments for growing younger congregations, assess where their church is on its journey, and brainstorm practical ways to make young people a core part of everything they do. Through lively discussions and hands-on planning, this workshop gives leaders the tools to inject fresh energy and create lasting impact, no matter what season their church is in.
This workshop will explore how to come to the board table and what to bring. What does the chair bring? What does the pastor bring? What do board members bring? Together, we will unpack questions like who takes the lead on what and when. On what items do we partner? When should we get out of the way and not micromanage?
Join us for an engaging and insightful conversation exploring the dynamic interplay between men and women in ministry. This panel discussion delves into the practical benefits and unique challenges of collaborative ministry for greater kingdom impact. Our EMCC family panel of leaders includes Dr. Rosemary Flaaten, whose Doctorate of Ministry in Leadership focused specifically on women in leadership. Gain valuable insights and practical wisdom applicable to your own context during a dedicated Q&A session. This is an opportunity to learn, connect, and discover how we can work more effectively together for God's purposes.
While leadership development continues through Bible camps, colleges, and seminaries, it is time to consider and prioritize building a leadership development and multiplication culture in our local churches. Join this seminar to learn from and dialogue with other leaders about multiplying leaders in your local church.
Gen Epp has served on the EMCC Next Gen Team since its inception. She has served as a youth pastor and coach. Recently, she has been appointed to the National Team as the Growing Young Initiative Coordinator, a part-time, two-year investment in developing a next-generation equipping initiative for churches in our denomination. Gen brings her big heart, passion and facilitator strengths to all she does.
Gavin Wark has served on the EMCC National Team for many years and is now co-pastor at Plattsville EMC in Ontario. He is a qualified Spiritual Director and gifted facilitator who brings much insight into navigating differences.
Ruth Esau is an Ordained minister with the EMCC serving through Inspired to Lead. Ruth’s Ministry focus is leadership development Coaching and Cohorts for those who serve in the Non Profit or Business. Ruth’s career has been honed through Retail management, Pastoral Ministry at Centre Street Church, First Alliance Church and the Mustard Seed. Ruth has authored two books that focus on the way we work with people. What-If Leadership Journal and Shifting Perspectives: Jesus through a Leadership Lens. Ruth has served with Gavin Wark and Karen Witmer on the Conversation Facilitation Team for the past two years. Ruth's warm-hearted approach to knowing and loving Jesus permeates her life and desire to walk with others in life-giving ways.
John Cressman is the President of EMCC and has particular experience coaching church boards. His recent book, Pull Up a Chair, is a handbook for church board chairs that helps them grow in confidence and competence as they serve the church.
Randal Rauser is the Director of Faith-Based Organization Investigations at Veritas Solutions, where he has worked since 2019. Randal was previously a seminary professor at Taylor Seminary in Edmonton and is the author or co-author of seventeen books, including Disabuse: How to Prevent, Detect, Investigate, and Eliminate Abuse in Churches and Faith-Based Organizations, coauthored with Bob Stenhouse (Veritas Solutions CEO)
Krista Bennett serves on the National Team as a coach to our leaders across Canada. Her primary role is to support our female pastors and connect with future leaders who sense a call to future expressions of the church. Krista is a Licensed Minister and a Certified Life Coach with a decade of experience coaching leaders into their kingdom call. Krista has served within our denomination since 2000, first as a Youth Director, then as a member of the National Board, in local Church ministry, Camp Ministry, and on the National Team. She lives in Chilliwack, BC with her husband, Marty and her two boys, Tucker and Riley. They joyfully serve together at Cross Connection Church and seek to be a family on a mission. Krista loves good coffee, meaningful conversations around growth, and hiking in nature. She longs to see leaders flourish in their relationship with Jesus, with themselves, and with others. She is passionate about leaders living authentic, relevant lives as they listen to, trust, and obey Jesus. She starts with herself, lives by example, and really does want to change the world one life and one story at a time!
Claran Martin serves part-time in the Grey-Bruce Region of Ontario. In this role, he seeks to care for church leaders and coaches them to intentionally live on a mission with Jesus. Before joining the EMCC National Team, Claran pastored in three diverse church gatherings, Lion's Head, Pamerston and Hanover over 27 years. He enjoys connecting with pastors and church leaders as they seek to figure out what it means to follow Jesus in their present context. He gets passionate about raising up younger leaders who will lead the EMCC into God's preferred future. Claran married Adriana in 1980 and God has blessed them with four children, who have now grown into adults. His children are spread across Canada living in Kelowna, BC; Steinbach, MB; and Wainfleet, ON. He enjoys learning about the ways, words and works of Jesus, leadership and new technology. Since he is now “mostly retired”, he has been travelling more to invest into the lives of his thirteen.
Lynn Dietz serves on the National Team as a Regional Minister in the four western provinces of Canada. Before becoming an RM in 2006, Lynn’s pastoral ministry in local churches included roles as a solo pastor, church planting pastor, associate pastor and lead pastor, spanning over 22 years. As a Regional Minister in the EMCC, Lynn carries a strong passion for coaching, mentoring, communicating the Word of God, and developing disciple-making leaders. Lynn also enjoys working with pastors, church leaders and leadership teams to help them move their ministries forward towards Kingdom purposes in their neighbourhoods and communities. Helping form our lives and ministry on Jesus’ life and example is at the heart of who Lynn is. He and his wife Debbie live in Didsbury Alberta, and have three married children and six grandchildren. He also enjoys riding horses, camping, and playing sports.
Jeff Knott serves on the EMCC National Team as Regional Minister in Ontario East and North regions. After 20 years as an Industrial Millwright and Machinist, he was the lead pastor of Grace Church in Port Hope for 16 plus years. His primary calling is to “proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.” (Col. 1:28) This vocational passion informs his desire to model, shape and disciple leaders to serve at their full kingdom potential. An unreserved commitment to the power of the gospel to transform lives is at the heart of his theology and practice. Jeff has been married to his wife Shelley for 33 years and has two grown children; their son Ethan, who is married to Mira and their daughter Sadie. At this time, they have one grand puppy but are hopeful. Jeff has always been drawn to the outdoors as a place of refreshing and reflection. He loves anything that bangs or twangs and is an avid clay target shooter.
Brian Archer is a Regional Minister with the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada serving in the Western Canadian Region. Brian values his role as a coach and catalyzer of God's Mission for EMCC Churches across Canada, stemming from over 30 years of pastoral and denominational service. He works with pastors, church leadership and congregations to help them focus on their mission and engage in new church starts that form out of new groups for new people. Brian's prayer and hope is to see followers of Jesus multiply and working together to transform communities and neighbourhoods across Canada and around the world. He lives in Didsbury, Alberta with his wife, Diana. Brian enjoys reading, fixing computers and electronic gadgets, golfing and hiking.