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Global Workers from EMCC churches receive resources, investment and care from World Partners, so they can participate effectively in Jesus' mission. Learn More.

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Global Workers (or Missionaries) develop and maintain their own support networks, but World Partners is here for advise, tools, and ideas to strengthen those relationships. 

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EMCC's Global Workers and Partners


Afonso & Becky's primary investment is in the national and regional leadership of the church, to encourage and equip them to understand and experience what discipleship is.


Ahmad Discipling and Mentoring
Ahmad is a follower of Jesus who led a network of underground churches in Afghanistan. Now, as a 'disciple-making leader' of the EMCC, he is pioneering a church and outreach among the thousands of Afghan people in the Waterloo Region.
Azarm, Najib & Torpekai Operation Mobilization
For many years, Najib and Torpekai have been involved in radio programs reaching Central Asia all over the world.
Benson, Ken & Carolyn Preparing and Debriefing Workers through MissionPREP

Ken and Carolyn Benson have been mission workers with World Partners since 1998, and are presently serving many groups in the "Mission-sending and care" community, through MissionPREP.

Bragg, Stan & Sally Saugeen First Nations Workers

The Braggs remain actively involved in mentoring and walking together with First Nation leaders, supporting and encouraging them as they lead their communities and seek to follow Jesus.

Chaimiti, Lucy Executive Director of Adam House
Lucy Chaimiti has been ministering to refugees at Adam House since 2002, offering a warm welcome to refugee claimants.
Chapple, Dan & Anne-Marie Pastoral Training, Mexico

Dan & Anne-Marie provide oversight for and leadership to the pastoral training of pastors for our Mexican partner denominations, help prepare and care for new and returning missionaries with MissionPREP, and advance relationships with partner denominations across Latin America.

Dilts, Rob & Sharlene Algonquin First Nations Workers

Rob and Sharlene are travelling alongside Indigenous Peoples and building paths with communities and our Creator, Jesus Christ. They have served since 2012.

Fjeldstrom, Larry Wycliffe Bible Translators; OneBook

Larry is Donor Relations Co-ordinator and Graphic Designer for OneBook.

Gagnon-Tremblay, Catherine & Jérôme Community Development and Mentoring

Jérôme and Catherine have been together 10 years, and met at Café la Mosaïque. They love to build community and help people to discover and follow Jesus. They have the privilege of having 2 daughters and a son: Jeanne, born in 2016, who is really creative, and Anaïs, born in 2019, who loves people and food, and Éli, born in 2021, who is just beginning his journey in this world.

Eldon and Ruth seek to create community and foster spiritual conversations with Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists in North America.
Gibbins, Matthew The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
Matthew is the EFC's Network Catalyst and also Executive Director of the EFC Global Mission Roundtable. Together, Matthew and his wife, Rachel, are invested in the MoveIn Network.
Hilson, Daniel & Christy Missionary Gospel Fellowship, USA
The Hilsons are engaged in ministry reaching and discipling Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists in Surrey, BC.

Shaun is Chief Operating Officer for Ethnos, focused on the goal of reaching the unreached with the Gospel.

J & R are building relationships with newcomers in their context in Ontario.

Peacock, Wes & Katie Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wes & Katie also provide advice on Bible translation and language documentation issues for the Nkonya Bible, as well as prepare the Scriptures for publication.
Platz, Ben & Christa SIM Canada, nightlight Canada
Ben is Executive Director of nightlight Canada, a ministry of building relationships with poor, lonely and marginalized people, creating safe, hospitable settings for friendships to flourish.
Rodges, Dave & Deb Ethnos Canada
Dave & Deb serve at the Ethnos Canada centre.
Royer, Kent & Brenda Wycliffe Bible Translators

Kent and Brenda have served with Wycliffe Canada for 28 years in various roles. Kent serves as the Travel Risk Manager for members and Brenda is serving in a Staff Care role. 

Sherman, Jerry & Carol Embassy Connections Canada

Jerry & Carol are serving with Embassy Canada Connections, which is a ministry of evangelism and discipleship with Members of Parliament, Senators, foreign ambassadors and business executives.

Sloss, David Baraka International Ministries
David teaches at annual pastors' conferences, and support's an orphanage development in Uganda.


Working in Cyprus with the Evangelical Fellowship of International Students, Gabi helps university students find the good news conveyed by the Bible.


Ethiopia Kale Heywet Church, and their Development Commission, have been in partnership with EMCC for 20 years. Living out the integral mission of Jesus (both evangelism and social responsibility), they have a deep commitment to holistic outcomes for individuals and communities.


Philogene, Herlynda Global Partner, rep. of AEM, Haiti

Herlynda is our Global Partner, the Representative of our partner denomination, L'association des Eglises Missionaires (AEM). She coordinates the efforts of the denomination bringing transformation to their communities in Jesus' name.


Brown, Raney Crossworld
Raney supports the leadership of a local church in discipling and training followers of Jesus to themselves be disciple-makers.


Kinyanjui, Charles President, New Fishers of Men Ministries (EMCC Partner Denomination)

Pastor Charles Kinyanjui began New Fishers of Men Ministries in Kenya in 2005, with a handful of people. Together, they live lives of blessing and inspire people to follow Jesus and love their neighbours.


Kariuki, Alex & Rachel Abba's Home Ministries

Alex & Rachel are founders of Abba's Home Ministries, working in Madagascar with the aim of spreading the good news of Jesus and working with children.


Chikopa, James President, Everlasting Life Ministries, Malawi
James Chikopa is married to Maggie and father to 5 kids. He is a disciple-maker, Pastor and the President of Everlasting Life Ministries, a "World Partners International" Member Church, who together desire to bring transformation to their country.


English, Phil & Carolyn Discipleship & Leadership Development, Mexico

Phil and Carolyn support the training and mentoring of pastoral leaders, working in Mexico to establish people in God's Word. Their goal is to develop healthy disciples and leaders through 3 main areas of ministry: 

1) Focused Discipleship - building capacity in leaders for effective discipleship, 
2) Seminary Training - developing commitment and study of God's Word, and 
3) Small Projects - resourcing local faith communities to thrive and be on mission.

Neufeld, Greg & Shelli Evangelical Free Church of Canada Mission (EFCCM)
Greg & Shelli are active in children's ministry, presenting workshops on creative tools for engaging children and writing ministry material in Spanish.


SARA Ministries SARA Ministries (EMCC Partner Denomination)

Tej gives leadership to this movement in Nepal. From 4 members in 1997, to hundreds of followers of Jesus in churches across the country, SARA models a movement built on prayer, inviting people to know and follow Jesus, and loving their neighbours.

To learn more of his story, click here


Pridham, Cheryl SIM Canada
At the ECWA Widows' School, Cheryl is involved in adult education, and Biblical literacy.
Pridham, Donna SIM Canada
At the ECWA Widows' Training School, Donna teaches vocational classes such as sewing, knitting, cooking, and is involved in Biblical literacy.
Reaume, John & Wendy Power to Change
John serves as Vice Principal of Development at the Africa Centre for Theological Studies. Wendy is involved in discipleship with girls through a program she designed called Grace Girls.


Reid, Dorothy Training Leaders and Children's Workers, Romania
Dorothy is mentoring and discipling Romanian children's ministry workers, serving widows, and multiplying workers. She has been serving since 2003.
Weppler, Kevin & Michelle Greater Europe Mission
Kevin and Michelle are deeply invested in building relationships and seeking to bring positive change to their community.

South Africa

Inundo Development South Africa
Inundo is all about assisting and supporting the leaders from across the African continent in living and proclaiming Jesus' good news for the flourishing of land, people, and communities.
Rehoboth believes that orphaned children, affected or infected with HIV or AIDS, deserve a home and a future.
Wiens, Dan & Kerry Community Development: South Africa

The Wiens train and mentor leaders throughout Africa in the Farming God’s Way tool as well as lead the Inundo Development Model Farm. They have served since 2009 with World Partners, and are now part of the global SIM network. 


Morris, Karen WEC International

Karen is involved in a ministry to at-risk children and teens and their families in partnership with a local church.


Friesen, Derryl & Karen Wycliffe Bible Translators
Derryl & Karen serve as field partner liaisons for the Southeast Asia focus region - supporting Bible translations and literacy development teams, providing member care for Canadians in SE Asia, and mobilizing new workers.
Mayer, Oliver & Deborah OMF International
The Mayers are involved in church planting and discipleship among the Karen minority group in Northern Thailand


Bible, Abraham & Diane The Maranatha Evangelistic Association (Canada)

Abe and Diane focus on training and advising leaders in a partnering Ukrainian Church, offering Workshops like "NLFM Master Class" and assistance in their mission.


Huff, Beverly Child Evangelism Fellowship

Bev is the CEF Regional Education Director, overseeing all the educational needs for 26 Caribbean countries.

West Africa

Morris, Pamela Wycliffe Bible Translators

Pamela has worked with many different language groups across West Africa, helping them develop writing systems, often for the first time, and providing training for national translators.