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Updates and Announcements from the President and Board.
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  • Murray and Lorrie SwalmEMCC World Partners is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Murray and Lorrie Swalm to our team for Missionary Care Consultancy, on a part-time independent basis, starting on October 15, 2018. 


    Murray, along with his wife Lorrie, have extensive pastoral experience, serving as pastors at Bonavista Church in Calgary for 34 years. Murray comes from a family in which pastoral and missionary service runs deep. Lorrie’s heart has long been for women and couples in ministry. Over the years, God has given them opportunities to engage in personal support for those serving in full-time Christian leadership. These opportunities have included time for them to listen, care, and advise out of their wealth of experience.


    During the next six months, while we work through our process of revisioning for EMCC World Partners, we are taking steps to ensure that our current missionaries are well cared-for. Murray and Lorrie will serve World Partners in the following ways: care and coaching for our World Partners Missionaries; consultation with our Recognized Missionaries, and; receive input from the missionaries to the Global Mission Task Force and the Executive Director, to ensure we work together on the revisioning of World Partners. 


    The timely delivery of spiritual insight and guidance to resources, as well as the support and care Murray and Lorrie will provide to assist with the unique challenges our missionaries face, make them a welcomed addition to our team in this critical time.