Forty people participated in a week-long Way of Jesus training conference held at Emmanuel Bible College, June 5-9, 2017. Several members of the EMCC national staff shared responsibility for the teaching sessions which were interspersed by conversations in disciple-making cell groups. A mid-week excursion to Ontario Christian Gleaners gave the group an opportunity to participate with other volunteers from the Waterloo Region in blessings others by preparing hundreds of food packages for shipment to needy places around the world.
Members of the EMCC national staff commented that there appears to be a growing receptivity to this disciple-making training as the Way of Jesus is gaining traction throughout our family of churches.
These were among the “take away” comments from participants:
It has helped me to see that discipling is not necessarily a formal appointment but rather it can be more fluid in my day-to-day living.
I finally have a better understanding of what making disciples looks like.
I have come to appreciate the simplicity and power of a follower’s ‘job description” – “I am being sent by Jesus to bless others and invite them to follow Him.”
…It has given me freedom to know that I don’t have to push others to become followers of Jesus. All I have to do is bless them and listen to the Spirit for the next step.
The Way of Jesus speaks powerfully to me about where I am, where Jesus desires to take me, and how He walks with me in my journey towards Him.
I love the centering that comes in my life through the Way of Jesus matrix.
Being in a community like this for the week gives me fresh hope that this sort of community can be built with [the leaders I work with]
This was the 4th week-long Way of Jesus training conference held in Canada. Members of the EMCC national staff have conducted the training in several countries around the world and have also taken it in bite-sized chunks to various regions and congregations throughout Canada.