I have to admit that patience is not one of my strongest spiritual attributes. Perhaps that is why the Lord gives me ample opportunity to practice patience. James 5:7 encourages us to be patient for the Lord’s return, like a farmer waits for the seed to germinate and a crop to be produced.
In 2011 EMCC R&D responded to a request from the AEM, our sister denomination in Haiti to invest in a vocational training school on their campus in La Jeune. It took several teams and a fair bit of time and hard work, but eventually the school was ready to receive students.
The AEM had agreed to hire teachers, recruit students and manage the school as a self-sufficient venture. We waited but nothing transpired. The AEM Executive desired to see the school running but there were always obstacles to getting it done. Finally in fall of 2015 I wrote the executive committee and explained that there would be no more new projects until we could get the school off the ground.
We received word in July that the school had opened! Courses were being offered in welding, auto mechanics and driver training.
Thank the Lord for faithful workers who continued to struggle against all the obstacles to see the vocational school operating. Pray with us that the school will continue to function well and gain a great reputation. Pray for the church leadership in Haiti as they manage multiple tasks and responsibilities. And pray for me that my patience will grow and that I would always trust that the Lord is at work, even when it seems like nothing is happening.
Lou Geense,
Associate Director World Partners,
Relief & Development