November, 2018
The Editorial Board of the Issachar Group (IG), a collaborative effort initiated by President Kervin Raugust and Harold Johnsrude, held their first meeting on Saturday, October 20, 2018. This Group has been formed to explore both the issues of the day and those trending toward the future from a Biblical perspective. This exploration will result in guiding the church to know how God would have His children think, live and give voice in view of His desire for His kingdom to come.
The IG Board decided to begin by developing the topic of Sexual Orientation/Human Sexuality after considering several current issues that could be addressed. If you are aware of good resources on this topic, please provide this information to the EMCC office. The IG Board will be reviewing related resources during the next couple of months in preparation for their next meeting in January, 2019. The Terms of Reference for the Issachar Group can be obtained from the EMCC office.
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