Our Stories
Our friends from Yeshu Darbar (Court of Jesus) in Allahabad, India have come alongside sister Sheeba, who runs an orphanage for girls that have been rescued from the streets or from abusive situations. Yeshu Darbar has helped many of the girls gain entrance into local universities to further their education.
The Catholic Diocese, which owns the building that Sister Sheeba has used for an orphanage over the past 17 years, evicted the girls on June 1, 2015 in order to re-purpose it for seniors' housing. SHIATS University is providing temporary shelter for them, but longer term, the girls have no place to go.
Yeshu Darbar has committed to provide housing for the girls, but they cannot do it alone. EMCC has offered to help with fundraising and the construction of a 2 story building that would house up to 150 girls. The building construction provides an opportunity to train the engineering department of SHIATS University in a new form of building technology.
$320,000 US is needed to complete the new home for the girls. You can donate on-line here today, or send funds for the Allahabad Orphanage Project to:
214 Highland Rd E.
Kitchener, ON N2M 3W2
American friends are encouraged to donate through our sister denominational office in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Gifts can be sent to:
Missionary Church Inc
Project: UI08 India Allahabad Orphanage
3811 Vanguard Dr.
Fort Wayne, IN 46809-3304
Or made online here.