Since mid-summer, 2017, EMCC World Partners has been in a Discovery Assessment Process with the rest of our shared Ministries.
So, what have we learned?
We had tremendous input from pastors and lay-people across the country, through focus groups, surveys and consultations with mission-involved people

in our networks, culminating in some final input from our Regional Gathering participants a couple of weeks ago.
You, our constituency, have given strong voice calling for a “new paradigm” and calling for clarity to our purpose. We affirm that God calls us to be engaged in His mission in the world, and that in listening and responding to His call, we will stand together with our in-country partner churches and agencies around the world in proclaiming and demonstrating the good news of the Gospel.
What comes next?
Our WP Team, in consultation with the President, is assembling a
Global Mission task force to distill the input, and discern together the shape that EMCC World Partners needs to take to continue to be a community on mission together to the world.
Continue to pray with us, as the work of the task force is presented to our World Partners and Recognized missionaries, then to our President, National Team and Board, and to key Global Mission thinkers and practitioners in our congregations. The work begins now to come with a renewed vision to be unveiled at our General Assembly in 2019.
In the mean time...
As with any revisioning, we are building upon what God is already doing. Thank you for your ongoing support of all of our missionaries, our current development initiatives, our emergency relief efforts and refugee sponsorship program.
We are here to serve. Please feel free to reach out any time.
Joel Zantingh
Executive Director of EMCC World Partners