The story of Evangelical Missionary Church in Canada reflects a significant track record of effective ministry both in Canada and around the

world. The National Board seeks to continue to build on the sacrifices made by those who have crafted our story so far.
To fulfill its duties the National Board typically meets in face-to-face meetings twice a year, usually in November and March. Pressing business between those meetings is handled via email or conference calls.
At our most recent meeting in November 2015, we carried out our usual business of:
- Reviewing and assessing Presidential and National Team reports
- Receiving, reviewing and approving partnership agreements
- Reviewing and assessing reports from EMCC camps, colleges, committees and partner agencies
- Approving the 2016 National Budget Approving the 2015 Auditor's Report and appointing the Auditor for 2016
We also enjoyed meeting with local pastors and church board members who joined us for a casual meet and greet time Thursday evening. That was an energizing time as we became better acquainted and heard an update from President Phil Delsaut and his team.
This past spring, Phil Delsaut informed us that this would be his last term as President of the EMCC. His term ends with Assembly 2017.The National Board has a responsibility to oversee the process to find Phil's replacement. As part of that process, the board spent considerable time discussing our current realities, our future dreams for the EMCC, current needs across the country, and the process to follow to find the right person to fill the role of president.
Presidential Search Committee Formed
A key element of our work was to create a Presidential Search Committee as per our Bylaw. That committee is now in place and consists of two national board members,
Jordan Polson and
Arvin Nagules, and three additional members,
Andrew Epp,
Milly Siderius and
Wayne Smele. Jordan Polson is serving as the chair. Information regarding the committee, including their biographies, will be on the EMCC web site soon. Let us all be in prayer as they lead us in this process.
As our board meetings conclude I often catch myself reflecting on the reports we receive from the EMCC national team. Each time I reflect I continue to be very impressed by the quality of the people on the team, as well as the quantity and the quality of the work they do. We should all be very thankful for them as a team.
2015 Common Cause Budget Reached
On behalf of the National Board I would also like to give a shout out to you as an EMCC constituency. I am pleased to announce that your response to, and support of the EMCC Common Cause has allowed us to achieve our 2015 budget. This is very encouraging news to the national team! Thank you to all who responded to this challenge last fall. That significant achievement could not have been accomplished without the help of each and every one of you. Thank you again!
As a National Board we believe that Canada has a spiritual ache that runs across our land. We also believe that Jesus can address that need. Our prayer is that God would guide each of us, wherever we are, to share His love with those around us so that we may continue to write the EMCC story as we follow Jesus together.
May God make it so,
Kerry Belt
Moderator, EMCC National Board