Currently, EMCC World Partners personnel, Joel Zantingh and Marilyn McIlroy are in Haiti to coach and encourage leaders in local communities connected with the Association des Eglises Missionnaires (AEM). They recently sent back this report:
Since the 1980s, Pastor Andre, a visionary leader in the community of Gens de Nantes in NE Haiti, has been serving Jesus. Recently, he organized a meeting of over 20 community leaders from different Church and NGO organizations, to meet with EMCC representatives Marilyn, Joel, and Herlynda, for us to listen together to their ideas of strengths to build upon, dreams of what would bring hope to their community, and pray and sing together.
They heard the common heartbeat for secondary school education in the community which will mitigate the need to send kids to the city of Ouanaminthe for secondary school where are they are more susceptible to harm.
PRAY as we seek to assist them to be bringers of good news of Jesus, leading to the transformation God intends for their community.
PRAY they find strength in common vision and share their resources (people, networks, skills, etc.) more and more.