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  • Aug9Tue

    A Big Change for MFC

    August 9, 2016

    Mennonite Foundation of Canada is about to make a big change. In October, MFC will become Abundance Canada.

    This decision did not come easily. Our process was both cautious and comprehensive. Long before we considered rebranding, the Board and Management began strategizing for the future. Through this process we affirmed a number of core values. Among them is our commitment to serving the Church with biblical stewardship education and the facilitation of charitable giving. We also challenged ourselves with a bold vision that our stewardship ministry is not only for the churches and adherents of our seven founding conferences but for the wider Christian community in Canada. A broader, more ambitious ministry would allow us to assist more people with charitable giving and also to increase awareness of God’s generosity and the biblical message to share with others.

    With a bold vision before us, we began an 18-month process that analyzed the market, evaluated similar service providers, held conversations with clients and potential clients and gathered input from a sample of the Christian population across Canada. With the help of a branding agency with experience in the faith-based, not-for-profit sector, we also learned there is a real desire and a need for our ministry and services which match our vision to work with the wider Christian church. We also learned, through our research, that serving a wider Christian community would be difficult with a name that reflected a specific denomination. This meant we needed to entertain a rebranding of the organization.

    It was imperative that our new name be welcoming and inclusive to the wider Christian community and support our faith-driven approach to our ministry. It also needed to reflect our four principles of biblical stewardship: 1) God is generous, 2) God owns, we manage, 3) God asks for our whole selves and 4) God invites us to share.

    After a rigorous creative process, we chose Abundance Canada, and we are delighted with it. Abundance Canada inspires thoughts of God’s abundance. It reminds us of the importance of gratitude. It is open and invitational. In short, Abundance Canada helps people share God’s abundance with those in need and more accurately reflects our service, our ministry and our spirit of generosity.

    Let me assure you that while we are changing our name, the Board and Staff are committed to ensuring our services and level of client service will not change. Our research showed that our satisfaction rating among existing clients is more than 90%. Clients cited our financial stability, our knowledgeable and courteous staff, our honesty and integrity, and our values as important factors in their overall satisfaction. Over the years, we’ve heard from many clients who have said, “We love working with MFC. You make giving so simple and easy.”  The same will be true for Abundance Canada. And just as it was with MFC, Abundance Canada will be a donor-advised charitable foundation.

    At our Annual General Meeting this past April, our Board Chair, Randy Steinwand, reflected onPhoto of Darren Klasssen those who had the foresight to see the need for charitable giving services when he said, “We want to honour the enthusiasm and vision of our founders by ensuring that our reach continues to grow wider and deeper. I’m confident our name change to Abundance Canada will set us firmly on that path.”

    If you have questions, please give us a call (888-212-7759). We would love to tell you more about our expanding ministry, introduce you to our services and help you experience the joy of generosity.

    Abundance Canada… because generosity changes everything.

    By Darren Pries-Klassen

    Darren Pries-Klassen is the Executive Director of Mennonite Foundation of Canada. For more information on impulsive generosity, stewardship education, and estate and charitable gift planning, contact your nearest MFC office or visit MennoFoundation.ca.