EMCC Together - Our Stories. Read the inspiring articles that make up the EMCC family.


Submissions are currently closed. The theme for the 2026 magazine will be announced in the summer of 2026. If you would like to submit an article for our upcoming magazine, please see our submission guidlines here


Download the EMCC Together Magazine - Future Ready

Growing in Christ-Like Character (2024)

In 2023, our leadership believed that God was leading the EMCC to focus on developing “Christ-like Character.” So, in this issue of the EMCC Together magazine, we asked our pastors, leaders and global workers to share what God is doing in their ministries, churches, communities, or personal lives relating to “Christ-like Character.”

Printed copies of the magazine are available. If you would like to receive a copy (or copies for your church), please e-mail us communications@emcc.ca.





2021 - 2022