Please note that we are presently experiencing difficulties receiving credit card donations. This issue, which returns an error message, is currently being addressed as quickly as possible. We encourage you to use our electronic giving option (send to with desired designation) or to reach out to our Finance Team at for other giving options. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Direct your support to our Global Workers (Missionaries) or Global Partner Churches (through Projects).
Donate directly to our Global Workers. We received donations for those Directly Supervised and cared for by EMCC World Partners. All Global Workers who serve with Other Mission Agencies receive their donations directly.
Worker and Partner Projects assists with resources, tools, and training for ministry effectiveness.
Over 50 boys and girls (aged 4-18) are given a loving and supportive environment, a life of spiritual vitality, healing from past hurts, support for their education, and nutrition.
Target: $16,650 per year
ONLINE: Sign in to your EMCC account and fill in the form above
MAIL: Submit a cheque with this remittance form
PHONE: 1-877-375-7600, x254
PRE-AUTHORIZATION: Download the form here
Payment Options: Click Here
The Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada carries the Canadian Council of Christian Charities Seal of Accountability. Our donors can give confidently, knowing that we adhere to high standards and operate with integrity.
EMCC will only accept funds for programs or projects that are within the objects of the charity and that have been approved by the governing board. Each gift designated toward a board approved program or project will be used as designated. When any given need has been met, or where projects cannot be carried out for reasons beyond the ability of the governing board to control, the donor agrees that gifts designated for such purposes may be used by the charity in carrying out its other programs.