The EMCC is committed to supporting our pastors and congregations as you step up to the challenge of giving voice to the gospel and the message of Jesus Christ in everyday life. In light of this commitment, the SALT (Social Awareness, Living Truth) Committee provides publications to help you and your congregants navigate prominent topics in today's society.
Conversations is a publication of the SALT Committee. The views and opinions expressed in the SALT publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the EMCC.
Human Sexuality 1: Understanding Sexual Identity
Short paper
Long paper
Human Sexuality 2: Understanding Homosexuality
Short paper
Long paper
Human Sexuality 3: Understanding Gender
Short paper
Long paper
Human Sexuality 4: Understanding Holy Sexuality
Short paper
Long paper
Conversation with Barry Danylak and Rosemary Flaaten on YouTube
Understanding Homosexuality with Barry Danylak from SEE Global
Worldview 1: What it is and Why it Matters
Worldview 2: Truth – Your truth, My truth, God’s Truth
Worldview 3: Practical Applications – Becoming Effective Ambassadors for the Truth
The SALT Committee includes: